Neste final de semana a Anti Status Quo Companhia de Dança viaja para Zurique na Suiça para o Zürich moves! 2018 que acontece de 19 a 25 de março!
Apresentaremos nosso De Carne e Concreto - Uma Instalação Coreográfica no Festival no dia 23 de março, sexta feira às 18:30 no Walcheturm, Kanonegasse, 20, 8004 Zurich.
Saiba mais sobre a curadoria do festival e veja toda programação:
Zürich moves! 2018 examina os traços que a atual situação sociopolítica e o clima mundialmente severo deixam nas práticas de performance contemporânea. Os trabalhos apresentados descrevem esses traços, transmitem e processam. E eles pedem a criação de novas formas de comunidade.
Arte como um lugar de refúgio nestes tempos difíceis!
This weekend the Anti Status Quo Dance Company travels to Zurich in Switzerland for Zürich moves! 2018 that happens from March19, to 25.
We will present our Of Flesh and Concrete - A Choreographic Installation at the Festival on March 23, Friday at 6:30 pm at Walcheturm, Kanonegasse, 20, 8004 Zurich.
Learn more about festival curatorship and see the program:
Zürich moves! 2018 examines the traces, which the current socio-political situation and the globally harsh climate leave in contemporary performance practice. The presented works depict these traces, convey and process them. And they call for the creation of new forms of community.
Art as a place of refuge in these rough times!
This weekend the Anti Status Quo Dance Company travels to Zurich in Switzerland for Zürich moves! 2018 that happens from March19, to 25.
We will present our Of Flesh and Concrete - A Choreographic Installation at the Festival on March 23, Friday at 6:30 pm at Walcheturm, Kanonegasse, 20, 8004 Zurich.
Learn more about festival curatorship and see the program:
Zürich moves! 2018 examines the traces, which the current socio-political situation and the globally harsh climate leave in contemporary performance practice. The presented works depict these traces, convey and process them. And they call for the creation of new forms of community.
Art as a place of refuge in these rough times!
Foto Mila Petrillo
Saiu sobre a participação da Anti Status Quo no Zürich moves no Züritipp !!!!
De Carne e concreto
Sie stellen die Wahrnehmung auf den Kopf. Sie enthüllen, was durch Konventionen verborgen ist. Die Anti-Status-quo-Companhia-De-Dança aus Brasilien bewegt sich weg von etablierten Standards – sei es ohne Kleider oder in Abfall gekleidet. «Von Fleisch und Beton» ist eine choreografische Installation, die Fragen zu Kommerz, Konsum und dem Leben in urbanen Zentren aufwirft.
Fr 23.3., 18.30 Uhr, Walcheturm
Sie stellen die Wahrnehmung auf den Kopf. Sie enthüllen, was durch Konventionen verborgen ist. Die Anti-Status-quo-Companhia-De-Dança aus Brasilien bewegt sich weg von etablierten Standards – sei es ohne Kleider oder in Abfall gekleidet. «Von Fleisch und Beton» ist eine choreografische Installation, die Fragen zu Kommerz, Konsum und dem Leben in urbanen Zentren aufwirft.
Fr 23.3., 18.30 Uhr, Walcheturm